Queen Jellie / Animated Activism
Queen Jellie is a project to raise awareness for our oceans and the life they support. It is intended to be a temporary public art experience that the public interacts with by spinning it and bringing it to life. The structural and graphic elements have been sequentially designed to animate when set into motion and can be captured using my free app. ilumiscope. This allows for a personalized art experience and a “take-away” memento that can be instantly shared on their social networks. Engaging with the public in such a hands-on, direct way allows them to playfully participate, learn and document their experience.
This is a day and night experience. It is primarily made from multiple layers of hand-bent steel rods and laser-cut stainless steel phenakistiscope. Programable LED lighting brings Queen to life and is a big part of the night experience.
Adjusting the sequentially designed tentacles
Queen Jellie animation test using my “ilumiscope” app here
Animation tests
Queen Jellie “Living Well” symbols
Early “Orb” mock-ups
Living Well symbols
Hand carving the bubble orbs
Casting the Orbs
Finished “Orb” collection with symbols ready to be placed inside the Queen Jellie
Early shape sketches
Early sketches/mock-ups
Assembly of base and “reflecting wheel”
Early tentacle mock-ups
Assembling the elements - view from above.